The University of Victoria Propagation Laboratory is a research and education facility in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Victoria, in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada which has been around since the establishment of the ECE Department in the 1990s.
The mission of this facility is to advance the state of the art for telecommunications and our understanding of radio wave propagation by conducting cutting edge research, while also training the next generation of engineers and Amateur radio operators via combination of the art of Amateur radio with a formal, accredited undergraduate engineering curriculum.
The laboratory hosts an Amateur radio club, the UVic Experimental Radio Group,which was established as an avenue to realize the mission outlined above. The lab offers Amateur radio education and examinations via the Amateur radio club as well as undergraduate courses, relying on our in-house examination capabilities.
The laboratory also facilitates undergraduate course projects, and graduate thesis which are related to telecommunication, digital signal processing, and Amateur radio, and partners with other organizations who have interests related to this, such as Amateur Radio Digital Communications, HamWAN, the UVic Satellite Design Team, and the UVic Centre for Aerospace Research.
The laboratory facility features a state of the art HF contest station and Mode B and J OSCAR ground station built around a Flex-6600M, which is available for licensed students for use at the University of Victoria, who regularly participate in contests and other Amateur radio activities.
The laboratory also hosts the satellite ground station of a partnership comprising the UVic Satellite Design Team and the UVic Centre for Aerospace Research, which offers students the opportunity to get practical exposure to satellite communication via real life satellite missions.