
The University of Victoria Experimental Radio Group, is a RAC affiliated Amateur radio club at the University of Victoria, sponsored by Prof. Peter Driessen VE7AB, the Principal Investigator of the UVic Propagation Laboratory. Using the call VE7XUV, the group focuses on facilitating Amateur radio training and education by introducing students to this activity early in their professional careers, and using Amateur radio to enhance the quality of their education experience.

As the official Amateur radio club of the University of Victoria, membership is welcome by students, staff and faculty members, as well as experienced Amateur radio operators in Victoria who have time and expertise to offer to aid with implementing the main mission of the Club - student training. Personnel interested in joining the Club are encouraged to visit during its weekly meeting, outlined below. There is no need to make prior arrangements for a visit - drop-ins are welcome.


The equipment operated by the Club consist of two state of the art operating positions, shown below. One is designed to facilitate HF contesting (K4 Station), while the other student training via operation in the HF, VHF and UHF part of the radio spectrum, as well as OSCAR satellite work (Flex Station). The station is built to be versatelite and maximize the educational potential, while respecting the boundaries of what is feasible within the constrains of a university campus.

Club Equipment Picutre

  • K4 transciever / KPA500 linear amplifier / KAT500 ATU
  • Flex-6600M trasciever / 50W VHF and UHF XVTR from Q5
  • Antenna Genius / Rotator Genius / AlfaSpid RAK rotor for HF antennas
  • M2 2MPC22 and 436CP43UG CP Yagi with RHCP/LHCP switch for OSCAR antennas
  • RAS rotor at 24V with MD-01 controller and custom truss system for OSCAR antennas
  • SP-200 / SP-70 LNAs and high power circulators for OSCAR RF front end
  • Optibeam OB16-3, 5 el. 6M Yagi, 40/80m trap dipole, wide band discone
  • HamWAN node with dual redundant MW bachaul and 3x 120 degree sectors
  • USRP B210 and DEMI 25W SSPAs for CubeSat ground station
  • Generator / UPS power for cirticial equipment


The Club and its members engage in a wide range of activities, which include operating, station building, emegency communications and outreach. A highlight of activities is shown below.


The Club meets every Thursday for weekly activities, the (NCCC FT4 Sprint), the (Canadian Aurora Net), and the (Weekly RTTY Test) which are intended to give operating experience to new members. Opportunities to get licensed via examiners affiliated with the Club, and training with the use of the Club’s station for various operation modes are also offered at this time, while other special activities (e.g. contests, work parties for station building) are organized on a case by case basis by the members.

Meeting Information:

  • Time: Every Thursdays 5-7 PM, all year round.
  • Location: UVic Capmus, Engineering Lab Wing 402

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Contact: radioclub@propagtaionlab.ca

Radio Club Event Calendar

The club participates in a wide range of HF contesting activities. The calendar below contains the upcoming schedule, while past achivements are summarized on the Club’s(3830 Score Rumours Page). Contesting activities are organized such that beginners as well as seasoned HF operators may find interesting and suitable activities for them.

QSL Information

The Club welcomes traditional paper QLS cards, and electronic QSL as well.

Electronic QLS capability is available via LoTW for all call signs, save the repeater call VE7RUV.

The Club welcomes traditional QSL via the RAC bureau or the address in the Contact section of this site.